Link to the emerging payments vendor site.TrustPay is an all-in-one payments orchestrator.
Link to the emerging payments vendor site. Thunes is building a proprietary global payments infrastructure for frictionless cross-border payments, and focused on connecting developed and emerging markets.
Link to the emerging com vendor site. PayRetailers provides processing for payments and alternative payments methods in Latin America.
Link to the emerging com vendor site. PagSeguro is part of Brazilian internet leader UOL Group, PagSeguro acts as an issuer, acquirer, and provider of digital accounts.
Link to the emerging com vendor site.Komoju by Degica provides local payment methods in Japan, South Korea, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Australia and Europe.
Link to the emerging vendor site. Bexs provides FX and payments technologies connecting Brazil globally.
Link to the emerging payments vendor site. Amadeus is a travel payments related solutions provider.